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Defenition of the word rotation

    • Defenition of the word rotation

      • A transformation which linearly changes the angle between the vector to a point and one of the axes, without changing the distance of the point from the origin.
      • the act of rotating as if on an axis; "the rotation of the top kept time with the music"
      • a complete turn; "the plane made three rotations before it crashed"
      • the act of rotating as if on an axis; "the rotation of the dancer kept time with the music"
      • a planned recurrent sequence (of crops or personnel etc.); "crop rotation makes a balanced demand on the fertility of the soil"; "the manager had only four starting pitchers in his rotation"
      • a single complete turn (axial or orbital); "the plane made three rotations before it crashed"; "the revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year"
      • (mathematics) a transformation in which the coordinate axes are rotated by a fixed angle about the origin
      • the act of rotating as if on an axis
      • a planned recurrent sequence (of crops or personnel etc.)
      • a single complete turn (axial or orbital)

    Synonyms for the word rotation

      • gyration
      • revolution
      • roll

    Hyponyms for the word rotation

      • axial motion
      • axial rotation
      • circumvolution
      • clockwise rotation
      • counterclockwise rotation
      • dextrorotation
      • feather
      • feathering
      • gyration
      • levorotation
      • orbital motion
      • orbital rotation
      • pivot
      • pronation
      • roll
      • spin
      • spiral
      • supination
      • turn
      • turnout
      • twirl
      • twist
      • twisting
      • whirl
      • whirling
      • wind
      • winding

    Hypernyms for the word rotation

      • chronological sequence
      • chronological succession
      • motility
      • motion
      • move
      • movement
      • sequence
      • succession
      • successiveness
      • transformation
      • turn
      • turning

    Idioms for the word rotation

      • tire rotation

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