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Defenition of the word abseil

    • Defenition of the word abseil

      • A descent down a nearly vertical surface by using a doubled rope that is coiled around the body and attached to some higher point.
      • To lower oneself with a double rope coiled around the body from a mountainside.
      • a descent down a nearly vertical surface by using a doubled rope that is coiled around the body and attached to some higher point
      • lower oneself with a double rope coiled around the body from a mountainside; "The ascent was easy--roping down the mountain would be much more difficult and dangerous"; "You have to learn how to abseil when you want to do technical climbing"
      • (mountaineering) a descent of a vertical cliff or wall made by using a doubled rope that is fixed to a higher point and wrapped around the body
      • lower oneself with a rope coiled around the body from a mountainside

    Synonyms for the word abseil

      • rappel
      • rope down

    Hypernyms for the word abseil

      • come down
      • descend
      • descent
      • fall
      • go down

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