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Defenition of the word acetylsalicylic acid

    • Defenition of the word acetylsalicylic acid

      • an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer and Empirin) usually taken in tablet form; also used as an antipyretic
      • the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer and Empirin) usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets
      • the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer, Empirin, and St. Joseph) usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets

    Synonyms for the word acetylsalicylic acid

      • aspirin
      • Bayer
      • Empirin
      • st. joseph

    Meronymys for the word acetylsalicylic acid

      • 2-hydroxybenzoic acid
      • salicylic acid

    Hyponyms for the word acetylsalicylic acid

      • aspirin powder
      • buffered aspirin
      • Bufferin
      • enteric-coated aspirin
      • headache powder

    Hypernyms for the word acetylsalicylic acid

      • analgesic
      • anodyne
      • pain pill
      • painkiller
      • salicylate

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