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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "a"
Words starting with letters "ak"
Words starting with letters "ako"
Words starting with letters "akol"
Defenition of the word akoli
Defenition of the word Akoli
Defenition of the word Akoli
A language primarily spoken by the Acholi people in the districts of Gulu, Kitgum and Pader, a region known as Acholiland in northern Uganda; also in the southern part of the Opari District of Sudan.
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What is Akhvakh
The definition of Akhusha - Urakha
The interpretation of the word Akhty
What is meant by Akhmimic
The lexical meaning Akhisar
The dictionary meaning of the word Akele
The grammatical meaning of the word Akebu
Meaning of the word Akatenango Southwestern Kaqchikel
Literal and figurative meaning of the word Akateko
The origin of the word Akot
Synonym for the word Akpa
Antonyms for the word Akpes
Homonyms for the word Akposo
Hyponyms for the word Akrukay
Holonyms for the word Akto-Turkmen
Hypernyms for the word Akuang-Ayat
Proverbs and sayings for the word Akuku
Translation of the word in other languages Akum
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "i"
Words ending with letters "li"
Words ending with letters "oli"
Words ending with letters "koli"
Meaning of the word akoli