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Defenition of the word aleut

    • Defenition of the word aleut

      • A language of the Eskimo–Aleut language family spoken by the Aleut people living in the Aleutian Islands, Pribilof Islands, and Commander Islands.
      • the language spoken by the Aleut people
      • a member of the people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and W Alaska
      • a member of the people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and western Alaska
      • the language spoken by the Aleut
      • a community of Native Americans who speak an Eskimo-Aleut language and inhabit the Aleutian Islands and southwestern Alaska
      • a member of the people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and southwestern Alaska

    Synonyms for the word aleut

      • Aleut
      • Aleutian

    Hypernyms for the word aleut

      • American Indian
      • community
      • Eskimo-Aleut
      • Eskimo-Aleut language
      • Indian
      • North American Indian
      • Red Indian

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