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Defenition of the word along

    • Defenition of the word along

      • By the length; in a line with the length; lengthwise.
      • in accompaniment or as a companion; "his little sister came along to the movies"; "I brought my camera along"; "working along with his father"
      • in addition (usually followed by `with'); "we sent them food and some clothing went along in the package"; "along with the package came a bill"; "consider the advantages along with the disadvantages"
      • to a more advanced state; "the work is moving along"; "well along in their research"; "hurrying their education along"; "getting along in years"
      • in line with a length or direction (often followed by `by' or `beside'); "pass the word along"; "ran along beside me"; "cottages along by the river"
      • with a forward motion; "we drove along admiring the view"; "the horse trotted along at a steady pace"; "the circus traveled on to the next city"; "move along"; "march on"
      • in addition (usually followed by `with''); "we sent them food and some clothing went along in the package"; "along with the package came a bill"; "consider the advantages along with the disadvantages"
      • in line with a length or direction (often followed by `by'' or `beside''); "pass the word along"; "ran along beside me"; "cottages along by the river"
      • with a forward motion
      • in accompaniment or as a companion
      • in addition (usually followed by `with')
      • to a more advanced state
      • in line with a length or direction (often followed by `by' or `beside')

    Synonyms for the word along

      • all along
      • alongside
      • beside
      • by the side of
      • down
      • next to
      • on
      • the length of

    Similar words in the along

      • along

    See other words