Defenition of the word amiability
Defenition of the word amiability
- Sweet and friendly disposition.
- a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to)
- a cheerful and agreeable mood
Synonyms for the word amiability
- affability
- affableness
- agreeableness
- amiableness
- amicability
- bonhomie
- cordiality
- friendliness
- geniality
- good humor
- good humour
- good nature
- good temper
- kindness
- sociability
Similar words in the amiability
Hyponyms for the word amiability
- condescendingness
- condescension
- jolliness
- jollity
- joviality
- mellowness
- sweetness and light
Hypernyms for the word amiability
- friendliness
- humor
- humour
- mood
- temper
Antonyms for the word amiability
- distemper
- ill humor
- ill humour
See other words