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Defenition of the word amphicarpa bracteata

    • Defenition of the word amphicarpa bracteata

      • vine widely distributed in eastern North America producing racemes of purple to maroon flowers and abundant usually subterranean edible peanutlike one-seeded pods
      • vine widely distributed in eastern North America producing racemes of purple to maroon flowers and abundant (usually subterranean) edible one-seeded pods resembling peanuts

    Synonyms for the word amphicarpa bracteata

      • Amphicarpa bracteata
      • Amphicarpaea bracteata
      • hog peanut
      • wild peanut

    Meronymys for the word amphicarpa bracteata

      • Amphicarpa
      • Amphicarpaea
      • genus Amphicarpa
      • genus Amphicarpaea

    Hypernyms for the word amphicarpa bracteata

      • vine

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