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Defenition of the word anamorphism

    • Defenition of the word anamorphism

      • occurs deep under the earth's surface; changes simple minerals into complex minerals
      • a distorted projection or perspective; especially an image distorted in such a way that it becomes visible only when viewed in a special manner
      • metamorphism that occurs deep under the earth''s surface; changes simple minerals into complex minerals
      • the evolution of one type of organism from another by a long series of gradual changes
      • metamorphism that occurs deep under the earth's surface; changes simple minerals into complex minerals

    Synonyms for the word anamorphism

      • anamorphosis

    Hypernyms for the word anamorphism

      • copy
      • evolution
      • metamorphism
      • organic evolution
      • phylogenesis
      • phylogeny

    Antonyms for the word anamorphism

      • katamorphism

    See other words