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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "a"
Words starting with letters "an"
Words starting with letters "ana"
Words starting with letters "anan"
Words starting with letters "anana"
Defenition of the word ananas
Defenition of the word ananas
Defenition of the word ananas
a genus of tropical American plants have sword-shaped leaves and a fleshy compound fruits composed of the fruits of several flowers (such as pineapples)
large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated
Synonyms for the word ananas
genus Ananas
Meronymys for the word ananas
Ananas comosus
family Bromeliaceae
pineapple family
pineapple plant
Hypernyms for the word ananas
edible fruit
liliopsid genus
monocot genus
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English dictionary
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Words ending with letters "anas"
Words ending with letters "nanas"
Meaning of the word ananas