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Defenition of the word apocrypha

    • Defenition of the word apocrypha

      • Various religious writings of uncertain origin regarded by some as inspired, but rejected by most authorities.
      • 14 books of the Old Testament included in the Vulgate but omitted in Jewish and Protestant versions of the Bible
      • 14 books of the Old Testament included in the Vulgate (except for II Esdras) but omitted in Jewish and Protestant versions of the Bible; eastern Christian churches (except the Coptic church) accept all these books as canonical; the Russian Orthodox church
      • 14 books of the Old Testament included in the Vulgate (except for II Esdras) but omitted in Jewish and Protestant versions of the Bible; eastern Christian churches (except the Coptic Church) accept all these books as canonical; the Russian Orthodox Church accepts these texts as divinely inspired but does not grant them the same status

    Synonyms for the word apocrypha

      • Apocrypha

    Meronymys for the word apocrypha

      • Old Testament

    Hypernyms for the word apocrypha

      • religious text
      • religious writing
      • sacred text
      • sacred writing

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