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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "a"
Words starting with letters "ar"
Words starting with letters "art"
Words starting with letters "art "
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Defenition of the word art rock
Defenition of the word art rock
Defenition of the word art rock
a style of rock music that emerged in the 1970s; associated with attempts to combine rock with jazz and other forms; intended for listening and not dancing
Synonyms for the word art rock
progressive rock
Hypernyms for the word art rock
rock 'n' roll
rock and roll
rock music
See other words
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The definition of arrant(a)
The interpretation of the word arouser
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The lexical meaning arouet
The dictionary meaning of the word aromatise
The grammatical meaning of the word arnold-chiari deformity
Meaning of the word arnold toynbee
Literal and figurative meaning of the word arnold schonberg
The origin of the word art tatum
Synonym for the word artemus ward
Antonyms for the word arteria poplitea
Homonyms for the word arteria radialis
Hyponyms for the word arteria temporalis anterior
Holonyms for the word arteria temporalis intermedia
Hypernyms for the word arteria temporalis posterior
Proverbs and sayings for the word arteria ulnaris
Translation of the word in other languages arterial blood vessel
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "k"
Words ending with letters "ck"
Words ending with letters "ock"
Words ending with letters "rock"
Words ending with letters " rock"
Words ending with letters "t rock"
Words ending with letters "rt rock"
Meaning of the word art rock