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Defenition of the word astonishing

    • Defenition of the word astonishing

      • Causing wonder, admiration or astonishment.
      • Causing astonishment or surprise.
      • surprising greatly; "she does an amazine amount of work"; "the dog was capable of astonishing tricks"
      • so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm; "such an enormous response was astonishing"; "an astounding achievement"; "the amount of money required was staggering"; "suffered a staggering defeat"; "the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying"
      • so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm; "such an enormous response was astonishing"; "an astounding achievement"; "the amount of money required was staggering"; "suffered a staggering defeat"; "the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying
      • surprising greatly; "she does an amazing amount of work"; "the dog was capable of astonishing tricks"
      • so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm
      • surprising greatly

    Synonyms for the word astonishing

      • amazing
      • astounding
      • beyond belief
      • shocking
      • staggering
      • stupefying
      • surprising

    Similar words in the astonishing

      • astonishing
      • astonishingly
      • impressive
      • surprising

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