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Defenition of the word atomic number 34

    • Defenition of the word atomic number 34

      • a toxic nonmetallic element related to sulfur and tellurium; occurs in several allotropic forms; a stable gray metallike allotrope conducts electricity better in the light than in the dark and is used in photocells; occurs in sulfide ores (as pyrite)
      • a toxic nonmetallic element related to sulfur and tellurium; occurs in several allotropic forms; a stable grey metallike allotrope conducts electricity better in the light than in the dark and is used in photocells; occurs in sulfide ores (as pyrite)

    Synonyms for the word atomic number 34

      • Se
      • selenium

    Hypernyms for the word atomic number 34

      • antioxidant
      • chemical element
      • element

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