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Defenition of the word baleful

    • Defenition of the word baleful

      • Exceedingly harmful.
      • deadly or sinister; "the Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look"
      • threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments; "a baleful look"; "forbidding thunderclouds"; "his tone became menacing"; "ominous rumblings of discontent"; "sinister storm clouds"; "a sinister smile"; "his threatening behavior"; "ugly black clouds"; "the situation became ugly"
      • threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments; "a baleful look"; "forbidding thunderclouds"; "his tone became menacing"; "ominous rumblings of discontent"; "sinister storm clouds"; "a sinister smile"; "his threatening behavior"; "ugly black clo
      • threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
      • deadly or sinister

    Synonyms for the word baleful

      • baneful
      • forbidding
      • menacing
      • minacious
      • minatory
      • ominous
      • sinister
      • threatening
      • ugly

    Similar words in the baleful

      • alarming
      • maleficent

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