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Defenition of the word Baltic language

    • Defenition of the word Baltic language

      • A language belonging to the Indo-European language family and spoken mainly in areas extending east and southeast of the Baltic Sea.
      • a branch of the Indo-European family of languages related to the Slavonic languages; Baltic languages have preserved many archaic features that are believed to have existed in Proto-Indo_European
      • a branch of the Indo-European family of languages related to the Slavonic languages; Baltic languages have preserved many archaic features that are believed to have existed in Proto-Indo European

    Synonyms for the word Baltic language

      • Baltic
      • Baltic language

    Hyponyms for the word Baltic language

      • Latvian
      • Lettish
      • Lithuanian
      • Old Prussian

    Hypernyms for the word Baltic language

      • Balto-Slavic
      • Balto-Slavic language
      • Balto-Slavonic

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