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Defenition of the word barn spider

    • Defenition of the word barn spider

      • an orange and tan spider with darkly banded legs that spins an orb web daily; "the barn spider was made famous in E. B. White's book `Charlotte's Web'"
      • an orange and tan spider with darkly banded legs that spins an orb web daily; "the barn spider was made famous in E. B. White''s book `Charlotte''s Web''"
      • an orange and tan spider with darkly banded legs that spins an orb web daily

    Synonyms for the word barn spider

      • Araneus cavaticus

    Meronymys for the word barn spider

      • Aranea
      • Araneus
      • genus Aranea
      • genus Araneus

    Hypernyms for the word barn spider

      • spider

    See other words