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Defenition of the word basque homeland and freedom

    • Defenition of the word basque homeland and freedom

      • a terrorist organization organized in 1959 by student activists who were dissatisfied with the moderate nationalis of the traditional Basque party; want to create on independent homeland in Spain''s western Pyrenees; "in 1968 ETA launched a campaign of po
      • a terrorist organization organized in 1959 by student activists who were dissatisfied with the moderate nationalism of the traditional Basque party; want to create an independent homeland in Spain's western Pyrenees

    Synonyms for the word basque homeland and freedom

      • basque fatherland and liberty
      • eta
      • euskadi ta askatasuna

    Hypernyms for the word basque homeland and freedom

      • foreign terrorist organization
      • FTO
      • terrorist group
      • terrorist organization

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