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Defenition of the word beat down

    • Defenition of the word beat down

      • dislodge from a position; "She beat the dealer down to a much better price"
      • shine hard; of the sun: "The sun beat down on the hikers"
      • persuade the seller to accept a lower price: "She beat the merchant down $100"
      • shine hard; "The sun beat down on the hikers"
      • persuade the seller to accept a lower price; "She beat the merchant down $100"
      • dislodge from a position
      • shine hard
      • persuade the seller to accept a lower price

    Synonyms for the word beat down

      • bargain down

    Hypernyms for the word beat down

      • beam
      • chaffer
      • dicker
      • dislodge
      • haggle
      • higgle
      • huckster
      • reposition
      • shift
      • shine

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