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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "b"
Words starting with letters "be"
Words starting with letters "bed"
Words starting with letters "bedo"
Words starting with letters "bedou"
Words starting with letters "bedoui"
Defenition of the word bedouin
Defenition of the word bedouin
Defenition of the word bedouin
A desert-dwelling Arab nomadic pastoralist, found throughout most of the desert belt extending from the Atlantic coast of the Sahara via the Western Desert, Sinai, and Negev to the Arabian Desert. (source Wikipedia)
a member of the a nomadic tribe of Arabs
a member of a nomadic tribe of Arabs
Synonyms for the word bedouin
Hypernyms for the word bedouin
See other words
What is bedecking
The definition of bedecked
The interpretation of the word bedeck
What is meant by bedder
The lexical meaning bedded
The dictionary meaning of the word bedding
The grammatical meaning of the word bede
Meaning of the word bedclothes
Literal and figurative meaning of the word bedbugs
The origin of the word bedlams
Synonym for the word bedouins
Antonyms for the word bedpan
Homonyms for the word bedraggle
Hyponyms for the word bedpans
Holonyms for the word bedraggling
Hypernyms for the word bedraggles
Proverbs and sayings for the word bedraggled
Translation of the word in other languages bedridden
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "n"
Words ending with letters "in"
Words ending with letters "uin"
Words ending with letters "ouin"
Words ending with letters "douin"
Words ending with letters "edouin"
Meaning of the word bedouin