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Defenition of the word bhagavad-gita

    • Defenition of the word bhagavad-gita

      • (Hinduism) the sacred `song of God'' composed about 200 BC and incorporated into the Mahabharata (a Sanskrit epic); contains a discussion between Krishna and the Indian hero Arjuna on human nature and the purpose of life
      • (Hinduism) the sacred `song of God' composed about 200 BC and incorporated into the Mahabharata (a Sanskrit epic); contains a discussion between Krishna and the Indian hero Arjuna on human nature and the purpose of life

    Synonyms for the word bhagavad-gita

      • bhagavadgita
      • gita

    Meronymys for the word bhagavad-gita

      • Mahabharata
      • Mahabharatam
      • Mahabharatum

    Hypernyms for the word bhagavad-gita

      • religious text
      • religious writing
      • sacred text
      • sacred writing

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