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Defenition of the word bladed

    • Defenition of the word bladed

      • (crystallography) composed of thin flat plates resembling a knife blade; "bladed arsenopyrite"
      • bearing or characterized by a blade or sword; often used in combination; "he fought on, broken-bladed but unbowed"
      • (botany) having a blade or blades; often used in combination; "a single-bladed leaf"; "narrow-bladed grass"
      • composed of thin flat plates resembling a knife blade; "bladed arsenopyrite"
      • having a blade or blades; often used in combination; "a single-bladed leaf"; "narrow-bladed grass"
      • composed of thin flat plates resembling a knife blade
      • bearing or characterized by a blade or sword; often used in combination
      • having a blade or blades; often used in combination

    Similar words in the bladed

      • thin

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