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Defenition of the word blind spot

    • Defenition of the word blind spot

      • An area on the side of a car that cannot be seen by the driver when looking in the mirrors.
      • The place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina and the retina cannot detect light.
      • the point where the optic nerve enters the retina; not sensitive to light
      • a subject about which you are ignorant or prejudiced and fail to exercise good judgment; "golf is one of his blind spots and he''s proud of it"
      • a subject about which you are ignorant or prejudiced and fail to exercise good judgment

    Synonyms for the word blind spot

      • optic disc
      • optic disk

    Meronymys for the word blind spot

      • retina

    Hypernyms for the word blind spot

      • issue
      • matter
      • point
      • subject
      • topic

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