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Defenition of the word blood type

    • Defenition of the word blood type

      • A classification of human blood according to substances on the surface of the erythrocytes (red blood cells). The two main blood group systems are AB0 and rhesus factor (Rh). (Source: Wikipedia)
      • people whose blood has the same antigens
      • people whose blood (usually just the red blood cells) has the same antigens
      • human blood cells (usually just the red blood cells) that have the same antigens

    Synonyms for the word blood type

      • blood group

    Hyponyms for the word blood type

      • A
      • AB
      • B
      • group A
      • group AB
      • group B
      • group O
      • O
      • Rh negative
      • Rh positive
      • Rh-negative blood
      • Rh-negative blood type
      • Rh-positive blood type
      • type A
      • type AB
      • type B
      • type O

    Hypernyms for the word blood type

      • blood
      • people

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