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Defenition of the word boilerplate

    • Defenition of the word boilerplate

      • The standard and typically uncustomized legal verbiage included in a computer program’s license agreement.
      • An expression or wording that is often and repeatedly used.
      • A text template, specifically a sentence repeatedly used as the finishing last one.
      • A sentence repeatedly used in speeches, talks, and interviews.
      • The always identical final part of an e-mail.
      • A piece of text, used as a standard template at the end of a message or notification.
      • thick plate iron used in the production of boilers
      • a standard formulation of legal documents or news stories
      • standard formulations uniformly found in certain types of legal documents or news stories

    Meronymys for the word boilerplate

      • boiler
      • contract
      • steam boiler

    Hypernyms for the word boilerplate

      • expression
      • formulation
      • plate iron

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