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Defenition of the word booking

    • Defenition of the word booking

      • An arrangement made in advance to have something at a certain time where only a limited number are available, such as a seat in a transport, a table at a restaurant or a room in a hotel.
      • the act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group): "wondered who had made the booking"
      • a job for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time; "the play had bookings throughout the summer"
      • employment for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time; "the play had bookings throughout the summer"
      • the act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group); "wondered who had made the booking"
      • employment for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time
      • the act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group)

    Synonyms for the word booking

      • engagement
      • reservation

    Hyponyms for the word booking

      • gig

    Hypernyms for the word booking

      • employment
      • engagement
      • hire
      • hiring
      • job
      • work

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