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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "b"
Words starting with letters "bu"
Words starting with letters "buf"
Words starting with letters "buff"
Words starting with letters "buffe"
Words starting with letters "buffer"
Words starting with letters "buffer "
Words starting with letters "buffer s"
Words starting with letters "buffer st"
Words starting with letters "buffer sto"
Words starting with letters "buffer stor"
Defenition of the word buffer store
Defenition of the word buffer store
Defenition of the word buffer store
(computer science) a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data that is waiting to be sent to a device; used to compensate for differences in the rate of flow of data between components of a computer system
Synonyms for the word buffer store
buffer storage
Meronymys for the word buffer store
random access memory
random memory
random-access memory
read/write memory
Hyponyms for the word buffer store
frame buffer
keyboard buffer
memory cache
print buffer
Hypernyms for the word buffer store
memory device
storage device
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English dictionary
Words ending with letters "e"
Words ending with letters "re"
Words ending with letters "ore"
Words ending with letters "tore"
Words ending with letters "store"
Words ending with letters " store"
Words ending with letters "r store"
Words ending with letters "er store"
Words ending with letters "fer store"
Words ending with letters "ffer store"
Words ending with letters "uffer store"
Meaning of the word buffer store