Defenition of the word caudata
Defenition of the word caudata
- salamanders; newts; congo snakes
Synonyms for the word caudata
- Caudata
- order Caudata
- order Urodella
- Urodella
Meronymys for the word caudata
- Ambystomatidae
- Amphibia
- Amphiumidae
- caudate
- class Amphibia
- Cryptobranchidae
- Dicamptodontidae
- family Ambystomatidae
- family Amphiumidae
- family Cryptobranchidae
- family Dicamptodontidae
- family Plethodontidae
- family Proteidae
- family Salamandridae
- family Sirenidae
- Plethodontidae
- Proteidae
- Salamandridae
- Sirenidae
- urodele
Hypernyms for the word caudata
See other words