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Defenition of the word celluloid

    • Defenition of the word celluloid

      • of or made from celluloid
      • highly flammable substance made from cellulose nitrate and camphor; used in e.g. motion-picture and X-ray film; its use has decreased with the development of nonflammable thermoplastics
      • artificial as if portrayed in a film; "a novel with flat celluloid characters"
      • a medium (art or business) that disseminates moving pictures: "theater pieces transferred to celluloid"; "this story would be good cinema"; "film coverange of sporting events"
      • a medium that disseminates moving pictures; "theater pieces transferred to celluloid"; "this story would be good cinema"; "film coverage of sporting events"
      • a medium that disseminates moving pictures
      • artificial as if portrayed in a film

    Synonyms for the word celluloid

      • cinema
      • film
      • synthetic

    Similar words in the celluloid

      • artificial
      • unreal

    Meronymys for the word celluloid

      • camphor
      • cellulose nitrate
      • nitrocellulose
      • nitrocotton

    Hyponyms for the word celluloid

      • silver screen

    Hypernyms for the word celluloid

      • medium
      • thermoplastic
      • thermoplastic resin

    See other words