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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "c"
Words starting with letters "ce"
Words starting with letters "cen"
Words starting with letters "cent"
Words starting with letters "centr"
Words starting with letters "centra"
Words starting with letters "central"
Words starting with letters "central "
Words starting with letters "central b"
Words starting with letters "central ba"
Words starting with letters "central ban"
Defenition of the word central bank
Defenition of the word central bank
Defenition of the word central bank
a government monetary authority that issues currency and regulates the supply of credit and holds the reserves of other banks and sells new issues of securities for the government
Hyponyms for the word central bank
Bank of England
Bank of Japan
European Central Bank
Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve System
Hypernyms for the word central bank
financial institution
financial organisation
financial organization
government agency
See other words
What is centrally
The definition of centrality
The interpretation of the word centralistic
What is meant by centralist
The lexical meaning central-fire
The dictionary meaning of the word telephone exchange
The grammatical meaning of the word centner
Meaning of the word cm
Literal and figurative meaning of the word centimetre
The origin of the word central chimpanzee
Synonym for the word pan troglodytes troglodytes
Antonyms for the word central dravidian
Homonyms for the word central gyrus
Hyponyms for the word central heating
Holonyms for the word central intelligence agency
Hypernyms for the word cia
Proverbs and sayings for the word cns
Translation of the word in other languages central park
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "k"
Words ending with letters "nk"
Words ending with letters "ank"
Words ending with letters "bank"
Words ending with letters " bank"
Words ending with letters "l bank"
Words ending with letters "al bank"
Words ending with letters "ral bank"
Words ending with letters "tral bank"
Words ending with letters "ntral bank"
Words ending with letters "entral bank"
Meaning of the word central bank