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Defenition of the word chihuahua

    • Defenition of the word chihuahua

      • The largest state in Mexico.
      • The smallest breed of dog in the world and is named after the Chihuahua State in Mexico.
      • old breed of tiny short-coated dog with protruding eyes from Mexico held to antedate Aztec civilization
      • a state in northern Mexico
      • a state in northern Mexico; mostly high plateau
      • a city in northern Mexico in the state of Chihuahua; commercial center of northern Mexico
      • an old breed of tiny short-haired dog with protruding eyes from Mexico held to antedate Aztec civilization

    Synonyms for the word chihuahua

      • Chihuahua

    Hypernyms for the word chihuahua

      • city
      • metropolis
      • province
      • state
      • toy
      • toy dog
      • urban center

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