Defenition of the word chop-suey greens
Defenition of the word chop-suey greens
- succulent and aromatic young dark green leaves used in Chinese and Vietnamese and Japanese cooking
- grown for its succulent edible leaves used in Oriental cooking
- grown for its succulent edible leaves used in Asian cooking
Synonyms for the word chop-suey greens
- Chrysanthemum coronarium spatiosum
- shun giku
- tong ho
Meronymys for the word chop-suey greens
- chop-suey greens
- Chrysanthemum coronarium spatiosum
- genus Chrysanthemum
- shun giku
- tong ho
Hypernyms for the word chop-suey greens
- chrysanthemum
- green
- greens
- leafy vegetable
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