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Defenition of the word close down

    • Defenition of the word close down

      • To cease to operate or cause to cease operating (e.g. a business or a shop).
      • cease to operate or cause to cease operating; "The owners decided to move and to close the factory"; "My business closes every night at 8 P.M.
      • cease to operate or cause to cease operating; "The owners decided to move and to close the factory"; "My business closes every night at 8 P.M."
      • cease to operate or cause to cease operating

    Synonyms for the word close down

      • close
      • fold
      • shut down

    Hyponyms for the word close down

      • adjourn
      • retire
      • withdraw

    Antonyms for the word close down

      • open
      • open up

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