Defenition of the word clumsiness
Defenition of the word clumsiness
- The quality of being clumsy.
- the carriage of someone whose movements and posture are ungainly or inelegant
- the inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment)
- unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training
Synonyms for the word clumsiness
- awkwardness
- gaucheness
- gaucherie
- gracelessness
- inelegance
- ineptitude
- ineptness
- maladroitness
- slowness
- stiffness
- ungainliness
Similar words in the clumsiness
Hyponyms for the word clumsiness
- gaucherie
- gawkiness
- gracelessness
- rusticity
- rustiness
- stiffness
- ungainliness
- ungracefulness
- woodenness
Hypernyms for the word clumsiness
- bearing
- carriage
- inelegance
- posture
- quality
- unskillfulness
Antonyms for the word clumsiness
- adroitness
- deftness
- dexterity
- gracefulness
See other words