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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "c"
Words starting with letters "co"
Defenition of the word co2
Defenition of the word co2
Defenition of the word co2
a heavy odorless colorless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis
Hyponyms for the word co2
Hypernyms for the word co2
greenhouse emission
greenhouse gas
See other words
What is cnossus
The definition of cnossos
The interpretation of the word cn gas
What is meant by cmv
The lexical meaning cmbr
The dictionary meaning of the word cmb
The grammatical meaning of the word clytemnestra
Meaning of the word clyde william tombaugh
Literal and figurative meaning of the word clxxx
The origin of the word coadjutor
Synonym for the word coagulator
Antonyms for the word coat rack
Homonyms for the word coat stand
Hyponyms for the word coat tree
Holonyms for the word coats land
Hypernyms for the word coaxer
Proverbs and sayings for the word cobalt bloom
Translation of the word in other languages cobblers
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "2"
Words ending with letters "o2"
Meaning of the word co2