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Defenition of the word coelogyne

    • Defenition of the word coelogyne

      • any of various orchids of the genus Coelogyne with: clusters of fragrant lacy snow-white flowers; sinister salmon-pink solitary flowers; chainlike racemes of topaz and chocolate brown flowers; spikes of delicate white spice-scented flowers; emerald green flowers marked with blue-black
      • any of various orchids of the genus Coelogyne with: clusters of fragrant lacy snow-white flowers; sinister salmon-pink solitary flowers; chainlike racemes of topaz and chocolate brown flowers; spikes of delicate white spice-scented flowers; emerald green
      • any of various orchids of the genus Coelogyne with: clusters of fragrant lacy snow-white flowers; salmon-pink solitary flowers; chainlike racemes of topaz and chocolate brown flowers; spikes of delicate white spice-scented flowers; emerald green flowers marked with blue-black

    Meronymys for the word coelogyne

      • genus Coelogyne

    Hypernyms for the word coelogyne

      • orchid
      • orchidaceous plant

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