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Defenition of the word comate

    • Defenition of the word comate

      • (botany) bearing a coma; crowned with an assemblage of branches or leaves or bracts; "comate royal palms"; "pineapples are comate"
      • (botany; of certain seeds as of cotton) having a tuft or tufts of hair; "comate (or comose) seeds"; "a comal tuft"
      • of certain seeds (such as cotton) having a tuft or tufts of hair; "comate (or comose) seeds"; "a comal tuft"
      • bearing a coma; crowned with an assemblage of branches or leaves or bracts; "comate royal palms"; "pineapples are comate"
      • of certain seeds (such as cotton) having a tuft or tufts of hair
      • bearing a coma; crowned with an assemblage of branches or leaves or bracts

    Synonyms for the word comate

      • comal
      • comose

    Similar words in the comate

      • crowned
      • hairy
      • hirsute

    See other words