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Defenition of the word complementary

    • Defenition of the word complementary

      • Forming or serving as a complement.
      • acting as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole)
      • of words so related that each is the negation of the other; "`male' and `female' are complementary terms"
      • of or relating to or suggestive of complementation; "interchangeable electric outlets"
      • either one of two chromatic colors that when mixed together give white (in the case of lights) or gray (in the case of pigments); "yellow and blue are complementaries"
      • of words or propositions so related that each is the negation of the other; "`male'' and `female'' are complementary terms"
      • either one of two chromatic colors that when mixed together give white (in the case of lights) or grey (in the case of pigments)
      • of words or propositions so related that each is the negation of the other

    Synonyms for the word complementary

      • complemental
      • completing
      • interchangeable

    Similar words in the complementary

      • antonymous
      • inessential
      • mutual
      • reciprocal
      • unessential

    Hypernyms for the word complementary

      • chromatic color
      • chromatic colour
      • spectral color
      • spectral colour

    See other words