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Defenition of the word compression

    • Defenition of the word compression

      • Reduction in the volume of a substance due to pressure. (Source: MGH)
      • A condition in which the volume of fuel and air in an engine cylinder is reduced as a result of increased pressure by a piston.
      • The system of forces that tend to decrease the volume of or shorten rocks.
      • Any of several techniques that reduce the number of bits required to represent information in data transmission or storage.
      • an increase in the density of something
      • encoding information while reducing the bandwidth or bits required
      • applying pressure
      • the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together: "the contraction of a gas on cooling"
      • the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together; "the contraction of a gas on cooling"
      • the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together

    Synonyms for the word compression

      • compaction
      • compressing
      • concretion
      • condensation
      • contraction
      • densification

    Hyponyms for the word compression

      • coarctation
      • compaction
      • condensation
      • condensing
      • constriction
      • crunch
      • crush
      • image compression
      • mpeg
      • squeeze
      • squeezing

    Hypernyms for the word compression

      • concentration
      • encoding
      • encryption
      • press
      • pressing
      • pressure
      • shrinkage
      • shrinking

    Antonyms for the word compression

      • decompressing
      • decompression

    See other words