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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "c"
Words starting with letters "co"
Words starting with letters "con"
Words starting with letters "conj"
Words starting with letters "conju"
Words starting with letters "conjug"
Words starting with letters "conjuga"
Words starting with letters "conjugal"
Words starting with letters "conjugal "
Words starting with letters "conjugal v"
Words starting with letters "conjugal vi"
Words starting with letters "conjugal vis"
Words starting with letters "conjugal visi"
Words starting with letters "conjugal visit"
Words starting with letters "conjugal visita"
Words starting with letters "conjugal visitat"
Words starting with letters "conjugal visitati"
Words starting with letters "conjugal visitatio"
Defenition of the word conjugal visitation
Defenition of the word conjugal visitation
Defenition of the word conjugal visitation
the legal right in a prison for the inmate and spouse to have sexual intercourse
Hypernyms for the word conjugal visitation
legal right
See other words
What is confuter
The definition of confutative
The interpretation of the word confutable
What is meant by confusedness
The lexical meaning conformably
The dictionary meaning of the word conflagrate
The grammatical meaning of the word confident(p)
Meaning of the word confidence trick
Literal and figurative meaning of the word condyloid process
The origin of the word conjugal visitation rights
Synonym for the word conjunctival layer of bulb
Antonyms for the word conjunctival layer of eyelids
Homonyms for the word conjunctivitis arida
Hyponyms for the word connecticut river
Holonyms for the word connecting flight
Hypernyms for the word connecting room
Proverbs and sayings for the word conniption
Translation of the word in other languages connotative of(p)
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "n"
Words ending with letters "on"
Words ending with letters "ion"
Words ending with letters "tion"
Words ending with letters "ation"
Words ending with letters "tation"
Words ending with letters "itation"
Words ending with letters "sitation"
Words ending with letters "isitation"
Words ending with letters "visitation"
Words ending with letters " visitation"
Words ending with letters "l visitation"
Words ending with letters "al visitation"
Words ending with letters "gal visitation"
Words ending with letters "ugal visitation"
Words ending with letters "jugal visitation"
Words ending with letters "njugal visitation"
Words ending with letters "onjugal visitation"
Meaning of the word conjugal visitation