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Defenition of the word contiguous

    • Defenition of the word contiguous

      • Very close or connected in space or time.
      • having a common boundary or edge; touching; "abutting lots"; "adjoining rooms"; "Rhode Island has two bordering states; Massachusetts and Conncecticut"; "the side of Germany conterminous with France"; "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho"
      • connecting without a break; within a common boundary; "the 48 conterminous states"; "the contiguous 48 states"
      • very close or connected in space or time; "contiguous events"; "immediate contact"; "the immediate vicinity"; "the immediate past"
      • having a common boundary or edge; touching; "abutting lots"; "adjoining rooms"; "Rhode Island has two bordering states; Massachusetts and Conncecticut"; "the side of Germany conterminous with France"; "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho"; "neighboring
      • very close or connected in space or time
      • having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching
      • connecting without a break; within a common boundary

    Synonyms for the word contiguous

      • abutting
      • adjacent
      • adjoining
      • bordering
      • close
      • closest
      • conterminous
      • flanking
      • immediate
      • nearby
      • neighboring
      • next
      • side
      • touching

    Similar words in the contiguous

      • close
      • connected
      • contiguous

    See other words