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Defenition of the word corregidor

    • Defenition of the word corregidor

      • the peninsula and island in the Philippines where Japanese forces besieged American forces in World War II; US surrendered in 1942 and recaptured the area in 1945
      • the peninsula and island in the Philippines where Japanese forces besieged American forces in World War II; United States forces surrendered in 1942 and recaptured the area in 1945

    Synonyms for the word corregidor

      • Bataan
      • Corregidor

    Meronymys for the word corregidor

      • Second World War
      • World War 2
      • World War II

    Hypernyms for the word corregidor

      • beleaguering
      • besieging
      • military blockade
      • siege

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