Defenition of the word cosmetic
Defenition of the word cosmetic
- A preparation, such as powder or a skin cream, designed to beautify the body by direct application.
- Pertaining only to the surface or external appearance of something.
- Imparting or improving beauty, particularly the beauty of the complexion.
- a preparation designed to beautify the body
- serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose; "cosmetic fenders on cars"; "the buildings were utilitarian rather than decorative"
- serving an aesthetic purpose in beautifying the body; "cosmetic surgery"; "enhansive makeup"
- a toiletry designed to beautify the body
- serving an aesthetic purpose in beautifying the body
- serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose
Synonyms for the word cosmetic
- cosmetics
- decorative
- enhancive
- ornamental
Similar words in the cosmetic
- aesthetic
- aesthetical
- esthetic
- esthetical
- nonfunctional
Hyponyms for the word cosmetic
- depilator
- depilatory
- epilator
- highlighter
- make-up
- makeup
- nail enamel
- nail polish
- nail varnish
- pencil
- war paint
Hypernyms for the word cosmetic
- toilet article
- toilet articles
- toiletries
- toiletry
See other words