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Defenition of the word court

    • Defenition of the word court

      • An organ of the government, belonging to the judicial department, whose function is the application of the laws to controversies brought before it and the public administration of justice.
      • The residence of a sovereign.
      • The actual enclosed space in which a judge regularly holds court.
      • To engage in behavior leading to mating.
      • To engage in activities intended to win someone's affections.
      • a specially marked area within which a game is played; "players had to reserve a court in advance"
      • the residence of a sovereign or nobleman; "the king will visit the duke's court"
      • the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state
      • the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince
      • engage in social activities leading to marriage; "We were courting for over ten years"
      • a room in which a law court sits; "television cameras were admitted in the courtroom"
      • a yard wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings; "the house was built around an inner court"
      • respectful deference; "pay court to the emperor"
      • an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
      • a hotel for motorists; provides direct access from rooms to parking area
      • seek someone's favor; "China is wooing Russia"
      • make amorous advances towards; "john is courting Mary"
      • the residence of a sovereign or nobleman; "the king will visit the duke''s court"
      • Australian woman tennis player who won many major championships (born in 1947)
      • seek someone''s favor; "China is wooing Russia"
      • respectful deference
      • an area wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings
      • a specially marked horizontal area within which a game is played
      • a room in which a lawcourt sits
      • the residence of a sovereign or nobleman
      • a tribunal that is presided over by a magistrate or by one or more judges who administer justice according to the laws
      • make amorous advances towards
      • engage in social activities leading to marriage
      • seek someone's favor

    Synonyms for the word court

      • ask for
      • attract
      • courtroom
      • courtyard
      • cozy up to
      • date
      • encourage
      • go out with
      • homage
      • incite
      • invite
      • judicature
      • motel
      • motor hotel
      • motor inn
      • motor lodge
      • patio
      • quad
      • risk
      • romance
      • see
      • solicit
      • square
      • tourist court
      • tribunal
      • woo

    Similar words in the court

      • court
      • court's
      • courted
      • courteous
      • courteously
      • courteousness
      • courteousness's
      • courtesan
      • courtesan's
      • courtesans
      • courtesies
      • courthouse
      • courthouse's
      • courthouses
      • courtier
      • courtier's
      • courtiers
      • courting
      • courtlier
      • courtliest
      • courtliness
      • courtliness's
      • courtly
      • courtney
      • courtney's
      • courtroom
      • courtroom's
      • courtrooms
      • courtship
      • courtship's
      • courtships
      • courtyard
      • courtyard's
      • courtyards

    Meronymys for the word court

      • banch
      • bar
      • Bench
      • building
      • courthouse
      • edifice
      • jury
      • jury box
      • motel room
      • witness box
      • witness stand

    Hyponyms for the word court

      • appeals court
      • appellate court
      • assizes
      • atrium
      • badminton court
      • bailey
      • basketball court
      • chancery
      • chase
      • chase after
      • cloister
      • consistory
      • court
      • court of appeals
      • court of assize
      • court of assize and nisi prius
      • court of chancery
      • court of domestic relations
      • court of justice
      • court of law
      • Court of Saint James's
      • criminal court
      • display
      • divorce court
      • domestic relations court
      • F.I.S.C.
      • family court
      • federal court
      • food court
      • forecourt
      • Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
      • handball court
      • high court
      • inferior court
      • Inquisition
      • International Court of Justice
      • juvenile court
      • kangaroo court
      • lawcourt
      • lower court
      • military court
      • moot court
      • motel
      • parvis
      • piste
      • police court
      • Porte
      • probate court
      • quarter sessions
      • Rota
      • squash court
      • Star Chamber
      • state supreme court
      • Sublime Porte
      • superior court
      • supreme court
      • tennis court
      • traffic court
      • trial court
      • volleyball court
      • World Court

    Hypernyms for the word court

      • act
      • area
      • assembly
      • athletic field
      • authorities
      • cortege
      • court
      • curtilage
      • deference
      • entourage
      • field
      • government
      • grounds
      • hotel
      • judicature
      • move
      • playing area
      • playing field
      • regime
      • residence
      • respect
      • retinue
      • room
      • suite
      • tennis player
      • tribunal
      • yard

    Idioms for the word court

      • retard
      • terme
      • moyen
      • effet

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