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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "c"
Words starting with letters "co"
Words starting with letters "cox"
Words starting with letters "cox-"
Defenition of the word cox-2
Defenition of the word cox-2
Defenition of the word cox-2
an enzyme that makes prostaglandins that cause inflammation and pain and fever; "the beneficial effects of Nsaids result from their ability to block Cox-2"
an enzyme that makes prostaglandins that cause inflammation and pain and fever
Hypernyms for the word cox-2
See other words
What is cover version
The definition of cover song
The interpretation of the word cover slip
What is meant by cover glass
The lexical meaning cousteau
The dictionary meaning of the word court of saint james's
The grammatical meaning of the word court of domestic relations
Meaning of the word court favour
Literal and figurative meaning of the word court favor
The origin of the word cox-2 inhibitor
Synonym for the word cps
Antonyms for the word crabapple
Homonyms for the word crabapple jelly
Hyponyms for the word crack addict
Holonyms for the word crack of doom
Hypernyms for the word craft fair
Proverbs and sayings for the word cragfast
Translation of the word in other languages craig ventner
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "2"
Words ending with letters "-2"
Words ending with letters "x-2"
Words ending with letters "ox-2"
Meaning of the word cox-2