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Defenition of the word cripple

    • Defenition of the word cripple

      • A person or animal that is partially unable to use a limb or limbs because of an injury or disability.
      • A shortened wooden stud or brace used to construct the portion of a wall above a door or above and below a window.
      • someone whose legs are disabled
      • deprive of strength or efficiency; "This measure crippled our efforts"
      • deprive of the use of a limb, esp. a leg; "The accident has crippled her for life"
      • deprive of the use of a limb, especially a leg; "The accident has crippled her for life"
      • deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless; "This measure crippled our efforts"; "Their behavior stultified the boss''s hard work"
      • someone who is unable to walk normally because of an injury or disability to the legs or back
      • deprive of the use of a limb, especially a leg
      • deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless

    Synonyms for the word cripple

      • lame

    Hyponyms for the word cripple

      • crookback
      • hamstring
      • humpback
      • hunchback

    Hypernyms for the word cripple

      • individual
      • maim
      • mortal
      • person
      • somebody
      • someone
      • soul
      • unfortunate
      • unfortunate person
      • weaken

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