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Defenition of the word cross-fertilisation

    • Defenition of the word cross-fertilisation

      • fertilization by the union of male and female gametes from different individual of the same species
      • interchange between different cultures or different ways of thinking that is mutually productive and beneficial; "the cross-fertilization of science and the creative arts"
      • interchange between different cultures or different ways of thinking that is mutually productive and beneficial

    Synonyms for the word cross-fertilisation

      • cross-fertilization

    Hyponyms for the word cross-fertilisation

      • allogamy

    Hypernyms for the word cross-fertilisation

      • fecundation
      • fertilisation
      • fertilization
      • give-and-take
      • impregnation
      • interchange
      • reciprocation

    Antonyms for the word cross-fertilisation

      • self-fertilisation
      • self-fertilization

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