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Defenition of the word curd

    • Defenition of the word curd

      • coagulated milk; used to made cheese: "Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey"
      • a coagulated liquid resembling milk curd: "bean curd"; "lemon curd"
      • coagulated milk; used to made cheese; "Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey"
      • a coagulated liquid resembling milk curd; "bean curd"; "lemon curd"
      • coagulated milk; used to make cheese
      • a coagulated liquid resembling milk curd

    Hyponyms for the word curd

      • bean curd
      • tofu

    Hypernyms for the word curd

      • dairy product
      • food product
      • foodstuff
      • surname

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