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Defenition of the word dangling participle

    • Defenition of the word dangling participle

      • a participle (usually at the begining of a sentence) apparently modifying a word other than the word intended: e.g., `flying across the country' in `flying across the country the Rockies came into view'
      • a participle (usually at the beginning of a sentence) apparently modifying a word other than the word intended: e.g., `flying across the country'' in `flying across the country the Rockies came into view''
      • a participle (usually at the beginning of a sentence) apparently modifying a word other than the word intended: e.g., `flying across the country' in `flying across the country the Rockies came into view'

    Hypernyms for the word dangling participle

      • dangling modifier
      • misplaced modifier

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