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Defenition of the word david

    • Defenition of the word david

      • A male first name of West Semitic origin.
      • the 2nd king of the Israelites; as a young shepherd he fought Goliath (a giant Philistine warrior) and killed him by hitting him in the head with a stone flung from a sling; many of the Psalms are attributed to David
      • (Old Testament) the 2nd king of the Israelites; as a young shepherd he fought Goliath (a giant Philistine warrior) and killed him by hitting him in the head with a stone flung from a sling; he united Israel with Jerusalem as its capital; many of the Psalm
      • French neoclassical painter who actively supported the French Revolution (1748-1825)
      • patron saint of Wales (circa 520-600)
      • (Old Testament) the 2nd king of the Israelites; as a young shepherd he fought Goliath (a giant Philistine warrior) and killed him by hitting him in the head with a stone flung from a sling; he united Israel with Jerusalem as its capital; many of the Psalms are attributed to David (circa 1000-962 BC)

    Synonyms for the word david

      • David

    Hypernyms for the word david

      • Hebrew
      • Jew
      • king
      • male monarch
      • painter
      • patron saint

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